プロモーションビデオ案Ⅰ 英語版 エキサイト翻訳

The bum and Hira Washa
It waves cheerfully in the merry-go-round and the bottle of sake is drunk.
The bum and Hira Washa occupy the amusement park and it does happily.
Hira Washa rapes the beautiful woman in the Ferris wheel.
The people whom the bum and Hira Washa are disguising as the ghost in the haunted
house are killed with the sickle and the Japanese sword.
Red flies away from the signal to a blue, yellow bird.
The bum and Hira Washa knock down the Mickey mouse and McDonald is attacked.
The bum all over the world and Hira Washa form a ring around the fire and the folk dance is danced.
The bum and Hira Washa jump into the average of the fire one after another and it dies.
The bum and Hira Washa who is encompassed, writhes to fire, and suffers
The moon